Pretty please, with a cherry on top, stop being a douche bag!

On any given day you can log onto several different formats of social media and engage with other gamers, developers and industry professionals. That is a perk of being a gamer in this day and age, everyone is connected through the internet no matter your location.

We have access to a wealth of information and personal perspectives at the touch of a button which used to be a novelty for most however has now become the ‘norm’ for many in their daily routines.grenade

Somewhere along the line in this evolution of technology and connectivity we seem to have lost a sense of personal responsibility and the ability to apply morals and ethics to our actions when interacting on social media. I am sure at some point in all of our lives we have been told “If you are not prepared to say that to someone’s face then don’t say it at all” and many of us apply that line of thinking to how we interact with others. Why does that not seem to apply when those interactions are digital ones?

This is a subject matter I have approached many times before and some days I get left feeling like I am beating my head against a brick wall when I see the lack understanding and general respect being displayed within the gaming community that I love so much. However I will keep beating my drum in the hope that every once in a while I get through to someone and change their perspective to a more positive focus.

Gamers are extremely passionate, we love gaming as strongly as those who enthusiastically follow sports teams, however don’t mistake that for a free pass to engage in bullying and intimidating behavior. There is a reason that gamers have a negative stigma surrounding them in some circles and it leads directly back to those who purposely promote, engage in, and encourage negative interactions within the community.

We don’t think you are funny, we don’t think you are witty, and we most certainly do not appreciate the negativity you bring to the table.controller

We should be striving to influence the youth entering our community to act with respect and be open minded to everyone’s right to play on what ever platform they want, not fostering an environment that allows this kind of behavior to go unchecked.

So to those of you who act in this manner I ask of you, pretty please, with a cherry on top, stop being a douche bag.