The next Xbox One System Software Preview Update – Landing next week?

As to be expected, the holiday period was a bit slow when it came to updates and new features for the Xbox One. However now that 2016 is in full swing we can expect that to change particularly given that we have had such a large break in between major updates.

Whilst no date has been provided, Mike Ybarra has responded to a question asked on Twitter regarding the next coming update by advising us to “Pay attention next week”.

Just what will be in that update is anybody’s guess however I suspect that the ability to see who is in your friend’s party before joining it will be on the list.

We also know that more backwards compatible games will be added to the library shortly due to a brief update provided by Phil Spencer last week also on Twitter, so keep your eye out for an updated listing around that time too.

We will be sure to provide you will more details once they are confirmed.


In other related news, EXL Gaming spoke with David Prien, the creator of the Xbox One Wireless Elite Controller, about it’s launch and upcoming features, you can catch the conversation below: