Call of Duty Black Ops III Zombies maps can now be purchased separately

If you are like the majority of the FPS community, you are probably feeling a tad fatigued by over the top map packs and remastered existing assets. This makes your willingness to fork out $14.99 USD for every map pack released significantly less than when Call of Duty was still in it’s prime. Sadly, that also means that you miss out on the new zombie’s maps, which never seem to lose their appeal even if their multiplayer counterpart does.

Luckily, you can now purchase those zombies maps without having to buy the full map pack containing multiplayer maps that you have no interest in. Der Eisendrache, Zetsubo No Shima, Gorod Krovi, and Revelations from map packs Awakening, Eclipse, Decent, and Salvation in Black Ops III can be purchased for $7.99 USD each. I know, a tad steep in my opinion, but still cheaper than buying the full map pack. Call of Duty

As with anything, if enough people show interest in purchasing the zombies maps separately then we might see a more realistic price tag attached as this price division suggests that the multiplayer maps are in fact only worth $1.75 each.

Your purchase of each zombie map comes with 5 liquid divinium vials which you can use to make more enhanced gobblegum.

Treyarch have not been able to provide a date that these maps will be available on PC however, have advised that they are available now for both Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Hopefully we are seeing the beginning of a new trend as I will happily buy the zombies maps whilst gladly avoiding the rest of the purchase.