Blast Brawl 2 Is A Fun Concept With Little Substance

Style over substance?

Blast Brawl 2: Bloody Boogaloo is a 2D beat-em-up brawler featuring a local multiplayer PvP mode (which I was unable to play, so it will be exempt from the review) and a single player/co-op PvE horde mode. It’s a hell of a good time.

(Disclaimer: This game is still in Early Access)

The combat, simplistic as it is, is extremely addictive. You feel a rush as you hammer down your trigger, bouncing from enemy to varied enemy, from zombies and demons to flying skulls that shoot fire and robots that fire lasers at you among many other enemy types, seeing their stylized blood and bits splatter all over the floor. ss_256fe6ba17175b5b0d40d17fd887d33f844d9362-1920x1080You feel the urge to roll down to the floor, grabbing the scattered money floating around their corpses. You’re completely in the zone, immune to all outside distractions, as soon as you begin playing the game. It’s truly attention-grabbing – which is exactly what you want from any game, you want to be immersed and you want to feel like you’re a part of the game.

When Blast Brawl 2: Bloody Boogaloo opens, there’s an incredibly short cutscene. Two of the game’s playable characters, The Warrior and The Brawler, are leaning against a car. They reminisce about past battles when all of a sudden an inter-dimensional portal opens up out of thin air, sucking them in. After that, you’re taken to the menu screen. There’s just…not any story after that.

b84c5756f6a889fa332015e4458021f9_xl-1920x1080Blast Brawl 2: Bloody Boogaloo is very interesting visually – in a great way. The game is very striking with a great art style. While I doubt that it is the first game to do it, it is the first time I have seen a style like this. The characters are simplistic in their designs, as they are primarily consisted of different colored polygons, yet they still have a strange charm.

The multiplayer options in the game (which, as previously stated, I was unable to use in no fault to the game) seem to add a good bit of depth. There’s a PvP mode where you fight each other as different characters, and a co-op version of the PvE Wave Mode (basically a horde mode).

The soundtrack is composed of this 80’s inspired synth pop-music that really helps you get in the zone. You can’t help but bounce along to the beat as you go from enemy to enemy. I love the musical style which is incredibly captivating.

blast-brawl-2-6My main issue with Blast Brawl 2: Bloody Boogaloo is the fact that there isn’t much to do. There’s only a few maps, two characters available at the start, and one mode available for someone only able to try single player – however this is something that is actively being worked on by the studio behind Blast Brawl 2 – Mind’s Eye Games. It’s super addictive at first, but you can easily get burned out on games that don’t have much depth, which Blast Brawl 2 is lacking at present.

Altogether, it’s still a really fun game. If you’ve got a group of friends over, I imagine that it would be a really fun party game. Unfortunately, there’s not much substance to it, especially in single player. It’s well worth the $15 it costs, for a game this fun it’s a steal, but it wouldn’t kill you to wait for a sale.