Final Fantasy 7 Director: No Release date info until 2017?

Sorry Final Fantasy 7 fans, but it seems the wait for the official remake will continue for even longer.

Game director Tetsuya Nomura discussed the battle system, as well as his plan to potentially release some more information for the game on Final Fantasy’s 20th anniversary in 2017. He discussed that the lack of information about the game will change once other upcoming series releases like World of Final Fantasy and other Nomura-led projects are finished and released.

Regarding the combat system, which some long-time fans have mentioned their issues with it, Nomura stated that they needn’t worry, as the battle system will entertain both old and new players.

“The battle system in Final Fantasy VII Remake is also vastly different, so I think we need to communicate very clearly just how exactly battles will work. We’re currently in the middle of elevating various aspects up to finished quality.”

Nomura also promised plenty of action throughout the game that will complement the free-flowing combat style much more than the previously turn-based combat.

Hearing him discuss the game and how little he was willing to confirm, it would seem that the game is a long ways off from release, which many already assumed. It would seem that it’s another PS4 game that was simply announced too soon, as players got the confirmation that THE remake that they’d thought would never happen WILL in fact happen, but now they have to wait patiently for at least two more years.

It’ll be a long wait, but if these are the same fans who have waited any part of the 10-year Final Fantasy XV development cycle, then they’ve certainly got the necessary stamina to wait through all that time.

Do you think FF7 was announced too early?ff7_remake_01When do you think is the earliest point in a game’s development that it can be revealed like FF7 was? Let us know in the comments!