Mass Effect: Andromeda Release Date Leaked?

It seems that Amazon is pretty much always responsible for the accidental leaking of previously unconfirmed release dates for most games recently. The release dates for Homefront: The Revolution, Doom, and some others got a similar treatment from the website.

This time, the news was leaked through the announcement of Andromeda’s art book, which was given a March 21st release date. What made this news especially noteworthy was the paragraph in which it states how close in proximity the art book would release in regards to Andromeda’s release.

Much of the description discusses the never-before-seen art that’ll be available within the book, but everyone’s attention will be most prominently placed with one of the final quotes:

“Dark Horse will release The Art of Mass Effect: Andromeda simultaneously with the game!”

Now, the March release date would fit the statements made by EA who discussed their plans to release ME in Q1 of 2017, with March fitting near the end of that quarter. mass effect andromeda 01

Now, as is the case with these (somewhat) unconfirmed release dates, we can’t be certain if March 21st will be the official release date. Since that’s a date right near the end of Q1, it may be only a placeholder date until both EA and Bioware can get more certain with their game’s release.

Unfortunately, we will still likely have to wait until November 7 (N7 Day) before any extra Mass Effect gets told. In the meantime, fans can have another playthrough through the trilogy so that they’re hyped and ready for Andromeda to start a new trilogy that all players can love once again.

Are you excited for Andromeda? What are you most excited about? Let us know in the comments!