Dungeon Keeper – Free on Origin

It’s been a long time but Nox has finally ended as the free game on offer through Origin’s “On The House” scheme. In fact, Nox was On The House through Origin for 129 days, the longest of any game so far. But this slipped through a little bit, but now that’s all changed with the amazing Dungeon Keeper now being the game being offered for absolutely nothing on Origin. Check out the trailer below courtesy of Classic Game Trailers on YouTube.

Check out those SVGA graphics! But seriously, Dungeon Keeper was quite a way ahead of its time, and is still as enjoyable today as it was way back in 1997 when it was originally released.

So what are you still doing here? Go and get it for absolutely nothing – there’s no telling with the On The House offers how long it will be free for! Did you used to play the original almost 20 years ago? Will you be playing it now? Let us know in the comments below, the RGM Forums or on Twitter.